Christ Church Together at home 29.3.2020

Welcome to the second online worship.Saturday, because I wanted to make sure I had got it sorted before the due time.

If you want to put a candle before you on the desk or table, and be ready to light it with me that would be great.

And if you wait until 10.45 am on Sunday morning, then you will know that you are joining in while others are too.

It’s actaully here online from

Sunday worship 29 March

Arrangements for applications for 2014 – 2015

Community First 2014/15 : Shiregreen and Brightside Ward

Community First has made available around £40,000 in the 2014/15 year, for grants up to £2,500 for organisations delivering community activity in our ward. The local panel is now beginning the process of receiving applications and making recommendations to Community First.

The panel is planning to process two rounds of applications in this year:

  1. This first round has a closing date of Saturday 31st May 2014. We expect to allocate around half of the money at that point.
  2. The panel will then run a second round with a closing date in August or September for the remaining money. Community First want allocations to be made by the end of September 2014. This will allow a follow-up if some applications are rejected, so that fill-in applications to use up all the money can be considered before the end of December 2014, which is the cut-off date for all applications to be recommended by the panel to Community First. More information on these dates will be published later in the summer.

If an organisation has an application which needs to be processed more quickly than these time scales, the local panel will consider such applications ahead of each round, on an exceptional basis. If that is needed, please email the panel partner at, with your proposal and the reasons for an expedited consideration, and he will seek the view of the panel.

Community First has had a backlog of processing applications over the year end, but expects to be able to process recommended applications within a couple of months of their notification to Community First by the local panel.

All funds must be spent by the recipient organisations, and the final monitoring report submitted by 27 February 2015.

You can read the criteria that are being used to decide which proposals to recommend for funding in our ward on the web page here for “Local priorities and funding”.  You MUST indicate in your application which of these criteria you are addressing in your proposal.

There is an updated form to use for submitting applications. You must complete this form, which you can obtain by downloading it from the “Forms for 2014/15 (updated)” webpage.

As before all application must be sent by email to

If you want to ask questions about this process, please email them to this same email address.

For the first round, your applications must be received into this mail box by Saturday 31st May 2014 at the latest. The panel will consider them promptly after that and advise groups as soon as possible.